Monday, September 9, 2013

Super Mario Bros Cardio Workout

 Super Mario Bros Cardio Workout. I had to film this video in 5 different locations. This park was finally the best of the different locations. I really to find a good location I can shoot at on a consistent basis! I know I am a geek because i refused to post this video until all the sounds were in! I wanted to do more but i edit on my iPhone and the processor and memory would not let me.

 After doing this workout 4 times through my heart was racing and i was sweating! I really need to get my heart rate monitor fixed so I can see what my max heart rate was and calories burned. But i feel good and ready for a good nights rest! I was drinking a workout protein powder from Herbalife mixed in water to keep me going and to refuel me. Stay tuned for an Herbalife discount code.
What is your favorite exercise from this video? Comment below and let me know your scores! Try and out do yourself each round!

Don't forget to have fun!

Geekout Your Workout!
10 exercises
10 seconds rest, 30 seconds work

How many times do i do this video?
no0b's-  1 time.
Teen Titans- 2 times
Workout Superhero's/ Mario Bro.'s- 4 times

What do i need?
Something to jump over, yourself, an interval timer, a mat and water.

My scores:
Mario Skips- 38-38-39-40 (total)
Tunnel Squat and Jump- 19-21-20-22
Star Power Shuffel- 41-48-50-54
Mountain CLimbers- 46-40-33-35
Alt Front Yoshi Lunges- 15-16-16-16
Alt Side Yoshi Lunges- 14-15-15-17
Goomba Tuck Jump- 15-14-13-11
Elbow plank Alt leg lift- 29-25-25-27
Squat Jump over Lava- 9-9-9-10
Defeat Koopa Jumps- 33-59-60-70

Follow me on Facebook:

Follow the Sexy Nerd Society Health:

For great results mix this with a healthy diet and regular exercise!
For the protein and supplements I use:
Let me know if you have any questions about these supplements or the products i use and love...

Consult your doctor before starting an exercise regimen. Stop if you feel pain or dizziness.

Natalie OUT!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ninja Turtle Cowabunga Full Body Workout ^ Geekout Your Workout ^

Okay you guys it was 95-100 degrees out when I was trying to film this and do my 5 sets. I did the best I could in the heat, but I drank a lot of water and I even added an Herbalife 15 grams of whey protein powder mix to my water. I also had to rest a few minutes between sets to cool my body down. I wish the weather would slowly creep up on us and not just hit us in the face! In any case, I had fun making this video b/c its the first video i talk you though while I was filming.... No voice overs, so in retro-spec I probably should of thrown a shredder reference in there, maybe said cowabunga, but I was so busy thinking about the exercises I forgot :-P I'll get better I promise! Let me know what you like better, the voice over style Video or me talking you through it while I do it and why! Thanks ALL!

Don't forget to have fun!

Geekout Your Workout!
10 exercises
10 seconds rest, 40 seconds work

How many times do i do this video?
no0b's- A total of 2 times.
Teen Titans- 3 times with weight
Workout Superhero's- 5 times with weight

What do i need?
Yourself, an interval timer, a mat, a weight, something to kick over and water.

My numbers:
Ninja Hops- 30-33-45-46-46
Rolling Pushups- 7-7-8-7-8
Squat with lift Rt- 13-15-15-15-14
Squat with lift Lft- 13-14-15-15-15
Lunge back kick Rt- 20-18-18-17-19
Lunge back kick Lft- 22-19-20-18-19
Squat, side kick Rt- 15-15-18-17-18
Squat, side kick Lft- 17-19-19-18-17
Turtle Crunches- 14-13-13-14-13
1/2 Squat Punches- 58-60-63-50-46 (each side)

Follow me on Facebook:

Follow the Sexy Nerd Society Health:

For great results mix this with a healthy diet and regular exercise!
For the protein and supplements I use:
Let me know if you have any questions about these supplements or the products i use and love...

Consult your doctor before starting an exercise regimin. Stop if you feel pain or dizziness.

Natalie OUT!

Fresh Fruit Comparison & Coupon Code

 So in the midst of my juice cleanse my Farm Fresh To You delivery came. What's Farm Fresh To You? It's a company that delivers loca...